Chapters and Other Publications

비살생 정치학과 지구평화운동 (in Korean)

(Pisalsaeng chongch’ihak gwa chigu p’yonghwa undong. Glenn D. Paige kyosu ui hakmun segye)

(Nonkilling Political Science and the Global Peace Movement. Glenn D. Paige and his Scholarship)

한배호…[등저] ; 안청시 편

Summary: A scholarly tribute to Glenn D. Paige’s academic work. Includes “From the Korean War to Nonkilling Global Political Science: Korea and Glenn D. Paige’s Scholarship” by Chung-Si Ahn and Bong-Scuk Sohn; “Glenn D. Paige and Study of the Korean War” by Dae-hwa Chung; “Glenn D. Paige’s ‘Rediscovery of Politics’ and Political Leadership Studies: From Violence to Nonviolence” by Yoon-jae Chung; “Nonviolent Politics of Glenn D. Paige” by Jae-Bong Lee; “On Political Science Knowledge and Nonkilling as Value: A Nonviolence Critique of Glenn D. Paige’s Nonkilling Global Political Science” by Chaiwat Satha-Anand; “Glenn D. Paige and Japan in Search of Nonviolent Tradition” by Hidekazu Sakai; “Nonviolent Unification of Korea through Neutralization” by Jong-il Kang; “The Necessary Conditions for Peace on the Korean Peninsula: The Creation of a Peace Culture” by Soo Min Kim and “Nonkilling Korea: Building a Peace Structure on the Korean Peninsula” by Glenn D. Paige.

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“A Question for the Systems Sciences: Is a Nonkilling Society Possible?” (Chapter)

In Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science, pp. 409-416.
(Seoul: Seoul National University Press)

Summary: Science proceeds by asking questions over time. However we calculate social time, now is appropriate at the end of a murderous era to question whether human beings can stop killing each other. Is a nonkilling society, from local to global, possible? If no, why not? If yes, why?

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“Nonkilling and Systems Sciences:What Contributions can Systems Sciences Make to Nonkilling Korean and Global Transformation?” (Chapter)

In Complexity of Korean Unification Process: Systems Approach, pp. 1-22.
(Seoul: Seoul National University Press)

Summary: Science proceeds by asking questions over time. However we calculate social time, now is appropriate at the end of a murderous era to question whether human beings can stop killing each other. Is a nonkilling society, from local to global, possible? If no, why not? If yes, why?

See “A Question for the Systems Sciences: Is a Nonkilling Society Possible?”.