Action & Policy

CGNK Joins the WHO’s Violence Prevention Alliance

The Center for Global Nonkilling has been accepted as a formal participant of the World Health Organization’s Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA), a network of WHO Member States, international agencies and civil society organizations working to prevent violence. VPA participants share an evidence-based public health approach that targets the risk factors leading to violence and promotes multi-sectoral cooperation.

The WHO Violence Prevention office pointed out how CGNK “through its monitoring network, seminars and leadership academies, campaigns, policy initiatives, and educational activities is making an important contribution to preventing violence and killing using an evidence-based public health approach”. For CGNK, being part of the VPA is a great opportunity to network, share information, experiences and expertise, working closely with local, national, regional and international agencies working toward this common goal at all levels.

In 2009, CGNK had already been invited to attend the Fourth Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting: “Boosting global violence prevention,” held at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 17-18 September 2009, with attendees from all over the world. CGNK also produced a new edition of the WHO’s “World Report on Violence and Health” that has been used widely in its training programs.

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