
CGNK Governing Council Changes

On January 1, 2016, the following changes in the Governing Council of the Center for Global Nonkilling will take effect. Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Vice-Chancellor of Jagran Lakecity University in Bhopal, India becomes Chair; Prof. Dr. Chaiwat Satha-Anand becomes Vice-Chair; former Chair Glenn D. Paige and former Vice-Chair Dr. Bill Bhaneja and become regular Members; Dr. Maorong Jiang becomes Treasurer; Members Dr. Jose V. Abueva and Dr. Ha’aheo Guanson continue to serve; new Governing Council Members Christina Kemmer (community communications expert) and Glenda H. Paige will join; Glenda will serve as Secretary following previous service as founding Secretary of the Center for Global Nonviolence (1994-2007). Updated profiles for all GC Members can be read at CGNK’s website Leaderhip section.

Despite tragic world killings, thanks to work by global colleagues, progress is being made steadily toward the CGNK Mission: To promote change toward the measurable goal of a killing-free world, by means open to infinite creativity, in reverence for life.

With Greetings for a Nonkilling New Year!

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