
How the opportunity for transitioning to U.N. Collective Security was missed for the first time

The 11th issue of the Global Nonkilling Working Papers series has just been released, featuring a new essay by Klaus Schlichtmann on “1950—How the opportunity for transitioning to U.N. Collective Security was missed for the first time”.

In 1950, at the time of the Korean crisis, the UN, under the leadership of the United States was united to counter the aggression of the North. In this situation Russia made it a condition that it would join forces, if the UN started transitioning to genuine collective security, in accordance with the relevant provision in the Charter. What actually was the idea of the transition, and what did the Russians expect, e.g. of the Germans and the French, with regard to the peace clauses that French and German socialists had succeeded to write into the countries’ new constitutions. What were the consequences of the decisions made at the time?

All issues can be downloaded for free in PDF at the Center’s website or purchased in print for US$ 6. Following the Center’s mission of “promoting change toward the measurable goal of a killing-free world”, the Global Nonkilling Working Papers series are dedicated to theory and research incorporating original scientific works that tackle issues related to the construction of nonkilling societies, where killing, threats to kill and conditions conductive to killing are absent.

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The collection, launched in cooperation with the Asian World Center at Creighton University, is published on an occasional basis as texts are delivered by authors and reviewed by the Nonkilling Research Committees. In the near future, the Center intends to launch one issue per month, allowing a constant flow of information and new debate possibilities among scholars and practitioners of all fields.