“Nonkilling Education” book launched
The Center for Global Nonkilling has launched on March 20, 2018, its latest academic publication, Nonkilling Education, which includes an interdisciplinary collection of thirteen essays that follow the 2015 Vasa Conference on Education for Killing-free societies. For this reason, the book launch was also organized at Åbo Akademi University’s Program in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research with the presentations of the 2017/18 graduate class.

The authors of this book affirm the basic precepts of a nonkilling perspective and see education as playing a significant role in bringing about a nonviolent, killing-free and peaceful world. In this volume, collectively, they identify some of the fundamental ideas of nonkilling education and put forth proposals for what such approach would look like in pedagogical practices, curriculum, the skills and competencies that should be taught in schools.
The volume is a publication of CGNK and is co-edited by CGNK Director Joám Evans Pim and Prof. Sofía Herrero Rico, Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace at Jaume I University. A PDF version can be downloaded for free from CGNK’s website and paperback copies can be ordered at $20 from Amazon.com.
The 281 page volume includes the following contents:
- Foreword, by Joám Evans Pim and Sofía Herrero Rico
- Vasa Statement on Education for Killing-free Societies
- Introduction, by B. Jeannie Lum
Part 1. Questioning Educational Traditions
- Learning to Live Together: Exploring Nonkilling from the Peace Education Reconstructive-Empowering Approach, by Sofía Herrero Rico
- Educating for Global Citizenship and Fostering a Nonkilling Attitude, by Emiliano Bosio
- A Nonkilling Mathematics Education?, by Ubiratan D’Ambrosio
Part II. Nonkilling Ethics in Education
- An Educational Model for Teaching a Nonkilling Ethic, by Todd Junkins and Darcia Narvaez
- Recognition and Compassion at Stake: Towards a Nonkilling Education, by Irene Comins Mingol and Sonia París Albert
- Not Unlearning to Care: Healthy Moral Development as a Precondition for Nonkilling, by Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger
Part III. Communicating Nonkillingly
- A Call for Collaborative Dialogue Within Peace Education, Nonkilling Linguistics, and Early Childhood Education, by Lauren Chamberlain
- Nonkilling Education for Peaceful Conflict Transformation: A Philosophical Study, by Sonia París Albert
Part IV. Case Studies and Implications
- A Future Without Killing: Laying the Foundations for a Nonkilling Generation, by Shelley Hymel, Lina Darwich, Alexander Gist and Sonja van der Putten
- A Nonkilling Education proposal for the Public Educational System in El Salvador, by Amaral Palevi Gómez Arévalo
- Nonkilling: A Foundation for Peace Education, by Victor Kobayashi