Towards a Nonkilling World: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Glenn D. Paige
Summary: This book is an offering. An offering to a great pioneer, a great teacher, a thinker and activist, a practical visionary and above all a fine human being – Prof. Glenn D. Paige who has completed eighty glorious years of active life in service of humanity, a new humanity where Nonkilling and Nonviolence will guide the destiny of this universe. In a violence-abetting socio-political climate and killingglorifying cultural milieu a killing-free society would appear to be a distant dream to many. Professor Glenn D. Paige is the first thinker and peace activist in known history who advocates and passionately strives to promote his conviction that a nonviolent and a nonkilling society will be possible if courageous and sustained efforts leading to fundamental changes both in the thinking and behavioral pattern of human being are followed.
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