Towards a Nonkilling World: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Glenn D. Paige
Published by the Gandhi Media Centre. Summary: This book is an offering. An offering to a great pioneer, a great
Center for Global Nonkilling books.
Published by the Gandhi Media Centre. Summary: This book is an offering. An offering to a great pioneer, a great
Summary: In contrast to academic and policy studies that concentrate on political-military-economic aspects of Korea since Division and the Korean
Summary: This book demonstrates the rich diversity of research approaches developed so far within the field of psychology. In this
Summary: Nonkilling speaks both to the goal of preserving the physical lives of individuals, communities, other species, the environment as
Summary: Contributors to this volume on nonkilling futures were asked to envision as clearly as they can the crucial features
Summary: Geography, in particular, can (and has) contributed significantly to our understanding of the various “spaces” of killing. However, to
Summary: The present volume raises an important question: what kind of science and applications needs to be engineered to work
Summary: The dramatic rescue and release of Colombia hostage Ingrid Betancourt on July 2, 2008, riveted the world’s attention. Another
Summary: At the southern tip of India, the small inlet of Kanyakumari brushes with the waters of Indian Ocean while
Summary: The surprise insight from Nonkilling History is that what did not happen explains why humanity lives today. This turns