Books (CGNK Publications)

“You can blow up a man with gunpowder in half a second, while it may take twenty years to blow him up with a book. But the gunpowder destroys itself along with its victim, while a book can keep on exploding for centuries.”
Christopher Morley (1919)

Featured Book

Nonkilling Global Political Science

Nonkilling Global Political Science

Summary: This book is offered for consideration and critical reflection primarily by political science scholars throughout the world from beginning students to professors emeriti. Neither age nor erudition seems to make much difference in the prevailing assumption that killing is an inescapable part of the human condition that must be accepted in political theory and practice. It is hoped that readers will join in questioning this assumption and will contribute further stepping stones of thought and action toward a nonkilling global future.

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Nonkilling Relationships

Summary: Building upon Glenn D. Paige’s societal quest for a nonkilling future, the contributions in this volume seek to understand how relationships are criti-cal to build societies with no killing, threats to kill or conditions and condi-tions conducive to killing. Through different perspectives, contributing au-thors explore the importance of human contact, interconnectivity, affectivi-ty, recognition, communication, conviviality, resilience, and a sense of be-longing to the community, but also restraint, ritualization and reconciliation.

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Peaceful Societies: Alternatives to Violence and War

Summary: Is it possible to draw conclusions about the possibilities of building a more peaceful world by studying peaceful societies? In response, this book attempts to demonstrate that peaceful societies are inspiring and that they frequently shed light on difficult aspects of the paths to peacefulness; but there are no good, easy, or obvious answers. These groups of people provide inspiration about possibilities, however. The careful reader should be inspired to look for ways forward on many different issues related to building a more peaceful world by studying societies featured in this book: Lepchas, Ifaluk, Semai, Piaroa, Batek, Buid, Ladakh, Kadar, Chewong, Paliyan and others.

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Peace Portraits: Pathways to Nonkilling – A Memoir

Summary: This book artfully explores the intersection between faith, ethics and politics in modern times. The intimate autobiographical portraits in the collection reveal how five global peace leaders –Mahatma Gandhi, Lester B. Pearson, Glenn D. Paige, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, and Máiread Corrigan Maguire impacted the author’s life. Using their short biographies, Balwant Bhaneja examines the path of nonviolence and nonkilling. By bringing together the spiritual life with the political, Bhaneja delves into the nature of personal conscience as embodied in the thoughts and actions of these peace champions.

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Nonkilling Anthropology: A New Approach to Studying Human Nature, War, and Peace

Summary: Inspired by Paige, this book explores the mutual relevance of anthropology, nonkilling, and peace studies, and their synergy. All three are maturing in their development with increasing potential for benefiting society and humanity. Nonkilling as one focus in anthropological research and teaching can help generate inspiring new knowledge, understanding, and insights with significant practical as well as theoretical relevance.

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Nonkilling Education

Summary: The authors of this book affirm the basic precepts of a nonkilling perspective and see education as playing a significant role in bringing about a nonviolent, killing-free and peaceful world. In this volume, collectively, they identify some of the fundamental ideas of nonkilling education and put forth proposals for what such approach would look like in pedagogical practices, curriculum, the skills and competencies that should be taught in schools.

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Nonkilling Spiritual Traditions

Nonkilling Spiritual Traditions

Summary: The Center’s Nonkilling Spiritual Traditions Research Committee, with over 30 members, envisioned a collaborative academic initiative to further understand and analyze: 1) the impact of the “Thou Shall Not Kill” / “Do not take any human being’s life” imperative across world spiritual traditions and non-religious humanist ethics, but also its internal intrareligious contradictions and controversies; 2) faith-inspired nonviolent/nonkilling leaders and movements throughout history; 3) spiritual practices related to nonkilling behavior and way of life, including meditation, prayers, art and spiritual guidance, with special interest in behavioral change—individual or social practices (e.g., meditation in prisons has shown to reduce violence and killings). The collection of essays compiled in this first volume represents a preliminary example of the possibilities offered by this line of inquiry, that it is hoped can be expanded.

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Nonkilling Balkans

Nonkilling Balkans
Co-published by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo

Summary: Scientific, spiritual, and practical factors predict success for realization of a Nonkilling Balkans. Most humans who have ever lived have not killed anyone. By nature humans are not compelled to kill. Religions, faiths, humanist philosophies, and folk traditions, teach nonkilling principles that can be combined into a powerful Global Nonkilling Ethic. Basic components of nonkilling societies already have been demonstrated somewhere in human experience. If combined and creatively adapted in any cultural context they can assist nonkilling change. The power of creative initiatives to bring about previously unthinkable and impossible change has been demonstrated throughout history in every field of human endeavor.

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The Principle of Nonviolence: A Philosophical Path

The Principle of Nonviolence: A Philosophical Path

Summary: Translation of Le principe de non-violence: Parcours philosophique by French philosopher-writer-activist Jean-Marie Muller. First published by Desclee de Brouwer in Paris in 1995. The introduction to the first edition succinctly summarizes the significance of Muller’s unique contribution: “The goal of this book is to found a philosophical concept of nonviolence….[It aims] to challenge once and for all the ideology that violence is necessary, legitimate, and honorable….Never apparently has this been accomplished in such a masterly and complete manner.”.

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Nonkilling Security and the State

Nonkilling Security and the State

Summary: The time has come to start anew history in this respect. We must establish reverence for life as the cornerstone of civilization: reverence for life not only by individuals, but also by institutions, foremost among them nations. Institutions were created originally for the good and survival of the people. This is their main justification and merit. They have no right to kill or to develop and stockpile incredible arsenals of weapons meant to kill millions of people, possibly all humanity. And the same nations come to the UN and dare to speak about human rights! Do these include the right to life and the right not to kill? Perhaps if we approach the question of disarmament from the fundamental principle of reverence for life, we might achieve better progress (from Robert Muller’s Epilogue).

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Nonkilling Media

Nonkilling Media

Summary: The importance of rethinking media and entertainment from a nonkilling perspective is self-explanatory. In “Nonkilling Global Political Science”, Glenn Paige pointed out how violence is “socially learned and culturally reinforced”. This social effort is by no means casual or due to some innate taste or demand for violence content historically considered repugnantbut rather, “violent media socialization is useful for a state in need of professional patriotic killers”. Nonkilling creativity throuought the ages also shows how a life-enhancing media is possible. At the Center for Global Nonkilling we sincerely hope that the contributions compiled in this volume may help shape an alternative to the lethal ideology that permates media that may enhance the value of life.

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Towards a Nonkilling World: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Glenn D. Paige

Towards a Nonkilling World: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Glenn D. Paige
Published by the Gandhi Media Centre.

Summary: This book is an offering. An offering to a great pioneer, a great teacher, a thinker and activist, a practical visionary and above all a fine human being – Prof. Glenn D. Paige who has completed eighty glorious years of active life in service of humanity, a new humanity where Nonkilling and Nonviolence will guide the destiny of this universe. In a violence-abetting socio-political climate and killingglorifying cultural milieu a killing-free society would appear to be a distant dream to many. Professor Glenn D. Paige is the first thinker and peace activist in known history who advocates and passionately strives to promote his conviction that a nonviolent and a nonkilling society will be possible if courageous and sustained efforts leading to fundamental changes both in the thinking and behavioral pattern of human being are followed.

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Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploration

Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploration

Summary: In contrast to academic and policy studies that concentrate on political-military-economic aspects of Korea since Division and the Korean War, authors in this book seek to discover nonkilling cultural features in South and North Korea, America, China, Japan, and Russia that can contribute to realization of a unified Nonkilling Korea – A Korea in which no Koreans kill other Koreans, no foreigners kill Koreans, and no Koreans are sent abroad to kill. Discoveries reported here provide confidence that nonkilling cultural values and capabilities can be found in all six societies that can benefit each and all in progress toward the measurable goal of a killing-free Korea and world. Readers are invited to join in further explorations. This book reports on the Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploratory Seminar convened by the Asia Center/Seoul National University and the Center for Global Nonkilling/ Honolulu in Seoul during August 18-19, 2010.

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Nonkilling Psychology

Nonkilling Psychology

Summary: This book demonstrates the rich diversity of research approaches developed so far within the field of psychology. In this collection of essays, one moves from biomedical aspects to moral dimensions, through various renditions of social psychology. The book is organized into three sections: (I) psychological causes and consequences of killing; (II) The prevention of killing: from interpersonal to international; and (III) personal transformation: from killing to nonkilling. What brings humans to kill each others or themselves? Is a nonkilling society possible? Answers have been attempted, unanswered questions have been raised, and unexplored issues wait for further investigation.

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Nonkilling Linguistics: Practical Applications

Nonkilling Linguistics: Practical Applications

Summary: Nonkilling speaks both to the goal of preserving the physical lives of individuals, communities, other species, the environment as well as the more metaphorical but also extremely important survival of languages, cultures, histories (oral and written), literary manifestations, etc. The list is vast and varied, and the good news is that a nonkilling mentality can be applied to all these realms and lives. This volume helps us start exploring the potential of the nonkilling paradigm when it comes to language use, education and legislation. As many are aware, language permeates most facets of human experience: we use different forms of language and literacy to establish contact with one another, to communicate our thoughts and feelings, to make sense of the world around us, and ultimately to realize our destiny as social beings.

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Nonkilling Futures: Visions

Nonkilling Futures: Visions

Summary: Contributors to this volume on nonkilling futures were asked to envision as clearly as they can the crucial features of a nonkilling world. The resulting diversity of approaches are visions, not blueprints or orders. And so, as we do move forward, learning more, needing more, incorporating more people with different ideas into our work, we will need to alter our visions even as we move toward them. That does not render the visioning process superfluous. To the contrary, without a clear vision, we cannot be sure about what our first moves should be since we are not specifically heading anywhere. As Yogi Berra might have said, “if you don’t know where you are going, chances are you’ll end up someplace else.”

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Nonkilling Geography

Nonkilling Geography

Summary: Geography, in particular, can (and has) contributed significantly to our understanding of the various “spaces” of killing. However, to date, there has been no overarching, singular focus promoted by Geographers toward nonkilling. This volume constitutes the first, direct engagement by a panel of Geographers to think through the idea of a nonkilling society. Contributors were asked to think broadly, to expand our intellectual—and moral—horizon to question killing and nonkilling, violence and nonviolence. And in the pages that follow, readers will experience a vast array of ideas, an unfolding of a larger intellectual quest that has the singular goal of contributing toward a nonkilling and nonviolent world.

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Engineering Nonkilling: Scientific Responsibility and the Advancement of Killing-Free Societies

Engineering Nonkilling: Scientific Responsibility and the Advancement of Killing-Free Societies

Summary: The present volume raises an important question: what kind of science and applications needs to be engineered to work towards a killing-free world? Bringing forward a nonkilling approach to problem-solving, the diverse chapters provide insights into practice of engineering, mathematics, and physics, but are extensible to other sciences, pointing to the potential scope of new research agenda that could benefit from focussing on interplay between science, ethics, philosophy, politics, and human nature. As the reader will realize, the nonkilling vision of this book goes far beyond the normative stand of rejecting killing. It implies the constructive engagement in societal transformation, where all fields of knowledge need to be thoughtfully applied.

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Diary of a Kidnapped Colombian Governor. A Journey Toward Nonviolent Transformation

Diary of a Kidnapped Colombian Governor. A Journey Toward Nonviolent Transformation

Summary: The dramatic rescue and release of Colombia hostage Ingrid Betancourt on July 2, 2008, riveted the world’s attention. Another kidnapping victim the same year Betancourt was taken captive was the governor of Antioquia, Guillermo Gaviria Correa. Little known is his embrace of nonviolence as a political strategy that led to his capture by the FARC and his death during a failed rescue attempt May 5, 2003. This English translation of his diary book is being published on the seventh anniversary of his death.

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Quest for Gandhi: A Nonkilling Journey

Quest for Gandhi: A Nonkilling Journey

Summary: At the southern tip of India, the small inlet of Kanyakumari brushes with the waters of Indian Ocean while Dehradun, capital of India’s new state of Uttranchal in the North juts with the mountainous ranges of Himalayas. The book, a deep desire to understand the meaning and relevance of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s inclusive message of nonviolent political action in early 21st Century, is from Balwant Bhaneja’s, a retired Canadian diplomat, travel journal about meetings in the spring of 2006 with individuals, young and old, across India who in their unique ways have been impacted by Gandhi’s life and have chosen to follow the nonviolent path for social justice and a nonkilling peace. While on the way to visit them, the journey also becomes a pilgrimage to some of the places, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during the struggle for India’s Independence from the British Rule.

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Nonkilling History: Shaping Policy with Lessons from the Past

Nonkilling History: Shaping Policy with Lessons from the Past

Summary: The surprise insight from Nonkilling History is that what did not happen explains why humanity lives today. This turns upside down understanding of history as the story of the victory of righteous or reprehensible human violence in struggles to satisfy human aspirations, wants, and needs. In the introduction to nonkilling historiography that begins the present volume, editor Antony Adolf advances far beyond such common sense understanding. He establishes seminal methodology for establishing a new nonkilling science of history. Such a science will not only help to explain past to present human survival but will inform decisions, individual and collective, to promote future killing-free societies that sustain and celebrate human life. The invitation to explore nonkilling history in this volume will interest not only young and old scholars in history and other academic disciplines, but will surely invite nonkilling questions by general readers as well.

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Nonkilling Societies

Nonkilling Societies

Summary: This volume arises from a crucial question formulated by political scientist Glenn D. Paige: “Is a Nonkilling Society Possible?” Paige (and much of the evidence brought for-ward in this book) reminds us that nonkilling societies, characterized by no killing of humans and no threats to kill, do exist in spite of having passed largely unnoticed to most of the scientific community. Most authors who are contributing to this volume have been repeating the same crucial fact for decades: killing-free societies, as those imagined by Paige in his book, are not a utopian dream; they are a genuine actuality that has been in existence for millenia. It can probably be said louder but not more clearly. This volume provides firm evidence that the only feasible answer to Paige’s question is undoubtedly affirmative.

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Toward a Nonkilling Paradigm

Toward a Nonkilling Paradigm
Summary: The open challenge to the widespread acceptance of lethality and lethal intent trespasses the limits of an ideology for social change entailing a new scientific model based on the refutation of killing-accepting science. This volume brings together 24 authors and 14 disciplines (Anthropology, Arts, Biology, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology and Sociology) to seriously consider the prospects for the realization of nonkilling societies and to challenge each discipline’s role in the necessary social and scientific transformation.

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Nurturing Nonkilling. A Poetic Plantation

Nurturing Nonkilling. A Poetic Plantation

Summary: These poems by Francisco Gomes de Matos collected to honor the eightieth birthday of the great pioneer of nonkilling thought, Glenn Paige, both show and tell the same thing: that nonkilling thought, act, imagination, art, feeling, commitment, teaching, and career can be experienced, thought about, committed to, felt, imagined, and taught in a whole world of permutations and combinations far beyond innocence. Behind all this lurks mortality. Only in these poems mortality is celebrated, not feared. Like Glenn Paige, they demand intellectual courage with the smile of rational equanimity.

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Violence and Health

Violence and Health

Summary: In 2002 the World Health Organization’s World Report on Violence and Health concluded that human violence is a “preventable disease.” It identified the belief that violence is inevitable in the human condition as the main obstacle to progress and grounded confidence for change in provision of contrary science-based knowledge, education, and recommendations for action by decision makers and the public in all sectors of local, national, and global society. CGNK to the World Health Organization for making the presentation of this book possible, reaching out to an ever widening circle of readers and leaders who can join in taking steps toward a killing-free world.

Full Report and additional WHO materials are available online.

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Global Nonkilling Leadership Forum Book of Proceedings

Global Nonkilling Leadership Forum Book of Proceedings

Summary: The First Global Nonkilling Leadership Forum convened in Honolulu, Hawai‛i during November 1-4, 2007, organized by the Center for Global Nonviolence and co-sponsored by the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace, University of Hawai‛i, and the Mu Ryang Sa Buddhist Temple of Hawai‛i. This volume collects over sixty texts following presentations of participants from twenty countries that shared their experiences at he Forum. The volume is organized in eight sections plus an appendix including the Charter for a World without Violence approved in Rome just after the Forum by the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.

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Nonkilling Global Political Science

Nonkilling Global Political Science
Summary: This book is offered for consideration and critical reflection primarily by political science scholars throughout the world from beginning students to professors emeriti. Neither age nor erudition seems to make much difference in the prevailing assumption that killing is an inescapable part of the human condition that must be accepted in political theory and practice. It is hoped that readers will join in questioning this assumption and will contribute further stepping stones of thought and action toward a nonkilling global future.

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