
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Nonkilling Research

2009_Hawaii_Research2The Center for Global Nonkilling and the Spark Matsunaga Institute for Peace (University of Hawai’i) organized an “Interdisciplinary Exploratory Seminar on Nonkilling Research”, that was held at Manoa Campus, Honolulu, on June 26th (University of Hawai’i Queen Lili’uokalani Student Services Center).

Scholars from a wide range of disciplines (including education, anthropology, conflict resolution, political science, religious studies, law, urban planing, futures studies and health science) joined the gathering to discuss possible applications of a nonkilling approach in their respective disciplines to aid the Nonkilling Hawai’i Advisory Council (formed by organizational representatives, practitioners, and activists) in its mission to develop a model for reducing and eventually eliminating killing in Hawai’i.




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