
«Give Nonkilling a Chance» book released in Delhi

Give Nonkilling a Chance: Are Nonkilling Societies Possible? edited by CGNK Governing Council Chair Prof. Anoop Swarup and dedicated to late Prof. Glenn D. Paige, with contributions from across the world, was released at Gandhi Smriti, Tees January Marg, Delhi, on August 31, 2019. The 400-pages collection of essays that is already available online was presented by Prof. Swarup during a discussion and release program that gathered 250 participants.

Bharat Ratana Honorable Shri Pranab Mukherjee, former President of the Republic of India released the book in a session also joined by Prof. Dr. N. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Gandhi Peace Mission and CGNK Honorary Sponsor;  Dr. Sankar Kumar Sanyal, President of Harijan Sevak Sangh set up by Mahatma Gandhi in 1932; Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Secretary, Harijan Sevak Sangh; Dr. Y P Anand, former Chairman, Railway Board and ex Director, National Gandhi Museum; Dipankar Srigyan, Director, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan; Dr A K Merchant, National Trustee Lotus Temple & Baha’i Community of India; Jiza Joy, Coordinator Editor, Konark Publishers; and Rajiv Bhai of GSDS, who conducted the program.

Give Nonkilling a Chance includes both original contributions, such as the editor’s introduction developing the concept of “affirmative nonkilling”, and a selection of chapters published over the past decade by the members of the various Nonkilling Research Committees in the Nonkilling Studies series, including Toward a Nonkilling ParadigmNonkilling SocietiesNonkilling History: Shaping Policy with Lessons from the PastEngineering Nonkilling: Scientific Responsibility and the Advancement of Killing-Free SocietiesNonkilling GeographyNonkilling Futures: VisionsNonkilling Linguistics: Practical ApplicationsNonkilling PsychologyNonkilling MediaNonkilling Security and the StateNonkilling Spiritual Traditions and Nonkilling Education.