Center for Global Nonkilling

For life-saving support and solidarity

Esteemed Friends,

At the Center for Global Nonkilling, we are deeply concerned by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), by the pandemic and the grave risks to human life, health and prosperity across the world that we have to face.

Spaceship earth is a not a metaphor but a finite reality. We jointly share it for progress and advancement, having inherited it for future generations. At CGNK, we relentlessly continue to work for a brave and nonkilling world, despite threats from both men made and natural disasters.

Emergency measures call for an extraordinary response in this difficult time, so not only do we express solidarity with all our nonkilling fraternity across the globe, but we also reiterate our resolve for a killing-free world. Our call is not only to strengthen our support network, but also to extend both a moral and conscientious solidarity transcending all national boundaries.

With courage, determination and resolve, let’s act now, not only ‘flatten’ but also to ‘stop’ the menacing advance of the corona curve. Let’s honor and ensure life by self-isolation, discipline and regulation, as imposed or proposed by respective health jurisdictions, in life-saving support and solidarity.

I fervently hope and pray that we shall overcome and protect both the individuals and our shared humanity in this hour of courage.

Let me conclude on a positive note: Christophe has taken the exceptional initiative to declare San Marino as the first Nonkilling country at the UN Human Rights Council’s last session, while CGNK Director Joám has lead a Conference on Nonkilling Responses to Climate Crisis in Vasa, being not only timely but also very futuristic!

In Nonkilling solidarity, mahalo and shanti,

Anoop Swarup, Chair of the Governing Council