Center for Global Nonkilling

CGNK supports open and free access to live-saving vaccines

The Center for Global Nonkilling, in a will and a permanent resolve to support the protection of all lives worldwide at all times supports the idea of open and free access for each and everyone to any upcoming vaccine against COVID-19 as well as existing vaccines and treatments for other preventable and curable diseases that can save millions of lives every year.

We highly congratulate the European Union and all the supporting countries for taking and upholding this initiative regarding COVID-19 at the World Health Organization’s Assembly and we encourage all countries of the world to fully adhere to the resolution and to assure its universal implementation.

In a world in which solidarity becomes a new need and finds new ways to express itself, the Center for Global Nonkilling sees in this worldwide initiative an occasion to enhance universal respect for life and for the right to life and to move away from a world where people are killed or die because of indifference or neglect. We progress towards nonkilling.